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(title,author+,subtitle?,date?,keywords?,year?,city?,graphics?, typeset?,legalnotice?)
Everything that is normally mentioned before the table of contents. Only title and one author is a must, the rest if you wish, but the given order is (unfortunately) mandatory. The first mentioned author will also be printed after the copyright.
<author> has to be simple, i.e. it mustn't contain any additional information such as institute or email address. If it does, that is ignored. (In contrast to in articles.)
author, city, date, graphics, keywords, legalnotice, subtitle, title, typeset, year
<frontmatter> <title>Beyond Gravitation</title> <author>Wyle E Coyote</author> <author>Roadrunner</author> <subtitle>An Introduction</subtitle> <date>23. July 1968</date> <keywords>ACME, levers, umbrellas, earthquake pills, rocks</keywords> <year>1969</year> <city>Toontown</city> <graphics kind="bitmap" file="coverimage"/> <typeset>The authors.</typeset> <legalnotice>All rights reserved.</legalnotice> </frontmatter>