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Element unit


Mixed Content Model



NameTypeDefault Value
xmlns CDATA "" (fixed)

Parameter Entities

The following parameter entities contain unit: indexinline, inline, miscinline


Inserts a physical quantity, see tbook's simple formula syntax.

<unit>3 m</unit>

yields in LaTeX “$3$,m”. So it guarantees a neat skip between number and unit, and for configurations with different fonts for number in- and outside mathematics it chooses the correct one. Further advantage: Things like

The gravitational constant is 
<unit>6.672·10^{-11} m^3 kg^{-1} s^2</unit>.

(notice the spaces!) yields

The gravitational constant is 6.672 · 10−11 m3kg−1s2.

So, units in upshape with small skips inbetween. You must assure that the first space is between the number and the unit, or alternatively you must put a “~” between number and unit.

For the explicit namespace see <m> above. It makes it possible to be used inside MathML's <math>.


aphorism, caption, cell, cite, closing, em, footnote, heading, idx, item, ix, ix2, legalnotice, mathref, multipar, opening, p, pageref, proof, psfrag, quote, ref, subject, subtitle, term, theorem, title, to, verse, visual, vref, wrap

HTML Presentation of tbook by DTDParse (version 2.0beta6).