tbtodocbk {filename} [parameter = value...]
tbtodocbk takes an XML file that must have been created according to the tbook DTD and converts it to a DocBook XML file. This DocBook file contains valid DocBook XML 4.2.
name of the XML file to be processed. It must be given without its `.xml' extension.
name of an XSLT parameter that is passed to the XSLT processor, see below.
new value you want to assign to the XSLT parameter, see below. It mustn't be an empty string.
The output file has the same name as filename but the extension `-db.xml'. By default, all formulae are tried to convert to <sup> and <sub> and other things to remain readable, however, this won't be possible everywhere. But tbtodocbk can also create DocBook with MathML.
Note that tbtodocbk may depend on the output of other programs, namely the 'make??' files that are created in the current directory by tbtolatex and tbtodocbk. They are responsible for graphics, bibliography, etc.
Only the more important ones are listed. For a complete list, see tbookman.pdf
assumed operating system. Possible values are linux, unix, windows and os2.
if true, ``desperate measures'' are applied, see tbookdtd.dtx.
If 'mathml', DocBook XML+MathML is created.
Please report bugs on tbook's homepage at Sourceforge: http://tbookdtd.sourceforge.net