Up: Elements reference

<frontmatter> – general info about a book

No attributes.

Possible Contents: title, author+, subtitle?, date?, keywords?, year?, city?, graphics?, typeset?, legalnotice?

Description: Everything that is normally mentioned before the table of contents. Only title and one author is a must, the rest if you wish, but the given order is (unfortunately) mandatory. The first mentioned author will also be printed after the copyright.

<author> has to be simple, i.e. it mustn't contain any additional information such as institute or email address. If it does, that is ignored. (In contrast to in articles.)


       <title>Beyond Gravitation</title>
       <author>Wyle E Coyote</author>
       <subtitle>An Introduction</subtitle>
       <date>23. July 1968</date>
       <keywords>ACME, levers, umbrellas, earthquake pills,
       <graphics kind="bitmap" file="coverimage"/>
       <typeset>The authors.</typeset>
       <legalnotice>All rights reserved.</legalnotice>