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Element wrap


Mixed Content Model



NameTypeDefault Value
style CDATA None
class CDATA None
xml:lang NMTOKEN None
id ID None

Parameter Entities

The following parameter entities contain wrap: indexinline, inline, miscinline


This doesn't format, it encloses inline elements that then get an id or a language via xml:lang. It can be useful empty. For example

<wrap id="NicePosition"/>

is equal to LaTeX's \label{NicePosition}.


aphorism, caption, cell, cite, closing, em, footnote, heading, idx, item, ix, ix2, legalnotice, mathref, multipar, opening, p, pageref, proof, psfrag, quote, ref, subject, subtitle, term, theorem, title, to, verse, visual, vref, wrap


ch, cite, em, footnote, graphics, hspace, idx, indexsee, ix, latex, m, math, mathref, pageref, ref, relax, unit, url, verb, visual, vref, wrap

HTML Presentation of tbook by DTDParse (version 2.0beta6).